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Red Hook Terminals
Red Hook Terminals
Port Newark New Jersey
Located in Port Newark, NJ at 138 Marsh St., the Red Hook RoRo and Barge terminal is a 32 acre facility in the heart of the Port Newark/Elizabeth marine terminal complex. With access to nearby rail facilities, and close proximity to the NJ Turnpike/I95 corridor. Our facility in Port Newark serves as our cross harbor barge gateway and provides terminal and stevedoring for NYK, Sallaum Lines, and Hyundai Glovis POV and High & Heavy RoRo carrier services. In addition, we regularly provide terminal and stevedoring services for various break-bulk and heavy lift customers and dry cargo warehouse storage of 100,000 sf.

2014-03-08 13.01.00

2014-06-18 11.50.07

2014-02-11 17.09.10

2014-03-08 13.01.00
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